Watch Out for Saturn in Pisces!
Saturn’s Role in Life and Society
On November 4, 2023 Saturn stationed direct at 0 Pisces. Saturn is relevant to the productivity of business and of government. The stationary position influenced the first week of November with a series of events that concluded activity that has been slowly coming to public awareness. This was a turning point in the process of clearing up government inquiries and decisions that are necessary for functioning. By the first of the year, Saturn will begin forming a positive aspect to Venus in the USA chart, which is about money, currency, and the Treasury. Venus rules the USA Midheaven which determines political power in the world.
Saturn represents any type of management of people and systems. Saturn is the tension of supporting structure and maintaining operations. Businesses and governments operate under the influence of Saturn dynamics.
Saturn is about structure, order, and responsibilities. It was retrograding since mid-June, in the sign Pisces, the least structural and most dissolving environment for Saturn. Watery Pisces is inclusive, and without boundaries seeking the path of least resistance, and seeping into every crack, touching all edges of its containment.
In the two-and-a-half-year period that Saturn transits Pisces, people will find it hard to understand or interpret the rules because standards are distorted, and relationships are fluid. Progressing in life can be like finding the path through fun house mirrors.
Saturn themes are about limitations, boundaries, definitions, control, congestion, and blockages. Saturn likes to set limits of possibilities measured against risk factors. We can list Civic Agencies, and legal boundaries of any type under Saturn’s influences. Saturn’s standards are based on the ideal of perfection, projecting judgement and categories. Psychologically, Saturn in the individual’s chart influences how we learn, absorb, and assume the “rules of life” as we have been trained by parents, teachers, and society. Then, it shows how we grow up to continue traditions, or we change things.
Saturn in Pisces is currently transiting the third house of the USA chart. This is the place in a chart that represents local transportation, communication systems, and people doing business on the neighborhood level. We can assign this house to the type of business of governing by legislation, and creating the Bills that become Laws, and voting as a body to make decisions.
Pisces as Generational Style

The symbolism of Pisces is two fish attached but swimming in opposite directions. This illustrates how two contradicting themes can be present at the same time. Themes of illusion and distorted beliefs can show up and seem like a weakness of character and slack in action, like the hesitation or confusion of deciding when to get involved to stop something bad happening.
Pisces is a sign with a reputation for vague communication, slack terminology, fuzzy thinking, propaganda, imagination, dreamy thinking, distortions, suggestive rather than factual verbiage, “gas-lighting.” These are examples of lower vibrations of the Pisces themes. The higher themes of Pisces are of Peace, Love, and Selflessness in service to those in need.
The Last Cycles
Saturn has a 28 to 30-year cycle through the Zodiac. The last time it was in Pisces was from May 23, 1993 to April 8, 1996. Favorite movies of this period were Forest Gump, and the comedy/action movie True Lies. Bill Clinton was President.
On the world stage, South Africa played out the drama of fighting for ending practices of cruelty against a race of people, which brought the end of Apartheid, and came about by the rise of strong positive leadership in Nelson Mandela.
Mandela was elected April 1994, in South Africa’s first free election. At the same time, the Rwandan Massacre was happening. The United Nations withdrew, and President Bill Clinton resisted sending military aid. The genocide was a race superiority belief between two peoples who shared the same language, culture, and history. “President Bill Clinton later called America’s failure to stop the genocide “the biggest regret” of his administration.”[i]
The cycle before, Saturn transited Pisces from March 26, 1964 to March 4, 1967. This was the most dramatic period of social change of the Twentieth Century. The main topic of attention was the Viet Nam War, orchestrated by Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger. In contrast, was the massive rise of Rock and Roll, changing the music industry dramatically.
Lyndon Johnson was President in those years and through his lies and deceit, he was hated by the time of the 1968 elections. People mobilized to protest the Viet Nam War, the Civil Rights Movement, and Women’s Rights. International relations were unstable in the Middle East.
It was a time when no one trusted the government. Young people openly distrusted adults over thirty. (The age of Saturn’s return.) Years later, when the White House tapes were released, it was well documented and illustrated that an American President can say and do anything for power.
The 1960’s and the 1990’s have strong similarities. There are collective needs and rights that are still threatened in ways that have the people divided on what is the truth. So many issues now are threatening our rights to choose, and our future potential for expressing independence, and diversity in ideas and dreams that take a different direction from the Herd.
Event Examples from Current time
One cruel example in the summer of 2023, was the situations along the Texas border where patrols found it hard to contain and restrict the flow of immigrants crossing from Mexico. Governor Greg Abbott set his agents of authority to employ very nasty invisible restrictors like submerged barbed wire to do harm to trespassing immigrants crossing through the river.
The worst example of a natural disaster so far this year, with Saturn in Pisces was the sudden, unexpected, extreme flood in Libya. Water as a force of nature against crumbling infrastructure and buildings is a wide-spread problem everywhere in the world. We can expect more environmental events such as flooding until 2025 when Saturn and Neptune leave Pisces a water sign and both enter hot, dry Aries, suggesting quite different scenarios.
History can vibrate through the cyclic patterns of the planets as they travel through the Zodiac. With the sudden October 7, eruption of war in Israel and Gaza, the potential of spreading conflict over the Middle East region is strong. This patterning of Saturn in Pisces can bring more treacherous, unseen difficulties, as Saturn is constrictive and the sign of Pisces is sensitive, emotional and filled with feelings of martyrdom and victimhood.
Saturn is moving toward joining with Neptune as the pair complete their journey through the sign of Pisces and make an enormously powerful entrance into 0 Aries, the World Point, on February 20, 2026. The combination of Saturn and Neptune, shift our vision of what reality is. It can be a spiritual upgrade, but it emerges through effort and intention.
One important thing to remember in thinking about the astrology of history is to understand that the future is always changing because the planets are always moving into new areas of the sky and into new signs. The social climate of the example event periods called out in this article have shown us how things change with the work of the new generations. It is time for another push toward Peace and Love, collective acceptance, and seeing self in the eyes of others. We might expect a big theme of calling out the truth where we now can see the distortions of the system. We have levels of information and communication like never before. Wave after wave of plasma ejections from the Sun is shifting Earth and the Cosmos together. We are expanding our consciousness. We know we are creators. We can stop the wars. We can solve our problems with our hearts and minds in resonance. May there be “Peace on Earth”, is the most important message to watch out for and to urgently hear as Saturn moves through the sign of Pisces.
[i] https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/civil-war-erupts-in-rwanda, accessed Nov. 1, 2023.
Norma Jean Ream
Norma Jean Ream has studied Astrology since her 20s and believes it give a reference for understanding a wide variety of possible personalities and in mundane world events. She appreciates her rich experience of Kepler College and is a member of the first graduating class. She is available for consultations with private clients. Email: astrologyhawaii@gmail.com
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