Astrology News Service

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Saturn, Bitcoin and Downturns

June 23, 2024

By Christeen Skinner   

On June 29th, and as viewed from Earth, Saturn’s movement is negligible and as of June 30th, that planet will be retrograde until mid November when once again it will appear at a standstill before seemingly moving forward.

Saturn’s stations are not unusual, but the degrees involved are of more than passing interest to astrologers.

Saturn may be thought of as a ‘cosmic headmaster’. Until Uranus’ discovery in 1781, it marked the edge of the solar system. Today we can think of it as a ‘traffic warden’ ensuring that rules and regulations (which Uranus then goes on to break!)

Presently Saturn is moving through Pisces, stationing at 19 degrees of that sign: the exact position held by Uranus when Bitcoin was launched.

Keywords associated with Uranus are different, deviant, challenging, political, obscure and defiant.

There is high probability that Bitcoin will be subjected to pressure in the coming weeks that translates to a marked downturn that is at work until at least the end of July when Saturn moves from this degree (but returns in November!).

This is not the only theatre where there will be obvious signs of pressure and tension.

We should expect news stories reflecting troubles at sea (Saturn is moving through Pisces!) and, in the business world, challenges faced by pharmaceutical, water and oil companies.

Saturn is about limits. A strong possibility is that governments will increase regulations in each of these business sectors. This has likely been mooted since Saturn entered Pisces in 2023 but be heard sufficiently loudly to warrant news headlines in the last days of June.

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