Astrology News Service

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February 26, 2024

By Christeen Skinner   

Following the death of the Russian opposition leader, Alexander Navalny, the US President Biden announced sanctions against 500 Russian nationals. Saturn is the planet associated with restrictions and Mercury with news. This week the Sun, Mercury and Saturn conjoin in Pisces. Though the announcement was made last week, effects should be felt most acutely from Wednesday’s alignment. News of Navalny’s burial might also be made public that day – perhaps resulting in other countries announcing sanctions too.

Mercury and Saturn last aligned in Pisces in February 1994 when President Clinton ended the 19-year (nodal cycle) trade embargo with Vietnam.

Conjunctions mark both the ending of one cycle and the start of another so it is unsurprising that with each alignment we see a new cycle beginning and another coming to its conclusion.

Mercury is associated with cars, Saturn with ‘high end’ and Pisces with luxury. In the last few days, the Valkyrie – the worlds’ most expensive car whose service costs over 3 years will be just under half a million dollars, and whose purchase price is in excess of 3.5 Million USD has gone on display. Perhaps the first purchaser of this remarkable vehicle will be announced at this week’s conjunction.

If we look at further displays of connection between planetary alignments and human activity, we might also consider news from the oceans (Pisces). Saturn’s restricting forces could affect commercial distribution (Mercury) with tensions in the Red Sea paralysing global trade with all that would mean for world economic health.

On a more positive note – and taking into account correlation with fashion trends, as Pisces rules the feet), Mercury is about movement and Saturn suggests strength, reliability and  weather-proofing – we may see the return of moon-walking boots to our streets.

Christeen Skinner Feb 24 2024

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