Astrology Study of Cloned Cows is Over the Moon
They may look the same but anyone who’s ever milked one knows not all cows are alike
In one of the more unique experiments aimed at testing the efficacy of astrology the late French scientist Suzel Fuzeau-Braesch demonstrated that bovine behavior patterns have naught to do with heredity or the environment. Cows behave the way they do because of the date, time and place they were born, she claimed.
Dr. Fuzeau-Braesch was a leading figure in France’s prestigious Centre National de Recherche Scienfieque (CERNS) and was the head of a research laboratory at the University of Paris XI. She wrote books and published more than 150 scientific articles describing her work in biochemistry, behavior and life cycles.
For professional reasons, she felt obliged to keep her interest and research in astrology under wraps until after her death in 2008 at the age of 80. So far, results released posthumously have not created the kind of stir they should.
Dr. Fuzeau-Braesch is the scientist who demonstrated that pedigreed puppies born under the watchful eyes of professional dog breeders exhibited predictable behavior traits that could only be explained by astrology. In a controlled experiment involving 500 puppies from 100 different litters, pups born with either Jupiter or the Sun near the ascendant (the point where the sun and planets rise in the East) or mid-heaven (where they culminate overhead) were the most energetic, strong-willed and dominant leaders in their respective litters.
For humans, French statistician Michel Gauquelin statistically demonstrated that planets located near the ascendant or mid-heaven in individual birth charts influenced everything from character traits to athletic prowess and the career paths taken by professionals who were eminent in their fields. In her study of pedigreed canines, Dr. Fuzeau-Braesch found that the dominant pups had either the Sun or Jupiter posited within 10 degrees of the ascendant or mid-heaven with a frequency that far exceeded the threshold of significance established for the test.
Historically, astrologers have claimed that planets located near any of the birth chart’s angles (rising, setting, top, bottom) more noticeably influence observable behavior traits. A study Dr. Fuzeau-Braesch conducted with the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique in France lends support to this idea.
Uniquely, this test involved 30 cloned cows all born at different times in the same location. The cows were genetic carbon copies of each other and all came into the world by Caesarian section performed under local anesthetic by anxious veterinarians who treated each new arrival with extraordinary caution and care.
The veterinarians involved in the study agreed to work with Fuzeau-Braesch in a double-blind experiment testing heredity factors. They were initially unaware of the test’s astrological component.
A calf breathes as soon as it leaves the womb. For every newcomer in the experiment the exact time of birth was recorded by the veterinary surgeon. Following birth the calves were immediately separated from their mother, Fuzeau-Braesch explained.
Each of the calves was fed from bottles that contained identical contents. Blood and other samples necessary for physiological study were standardized as was everything else in their young lives; for example, they were raised together with others the same age in groups of two or three while young and then lived in a herd.
“Most significant in this empirical approach is it is obvious that each clone, in spite of identical heredity, can have an individual pattern of behavior. So far, no other scientific explanation (other than astrology) has been proposed to explain this difference in behavior,” she wrote in her posthumously published book, Astrology Off The Beaten Track; A Scientific Study of Planets and Personality.
“The results obtained correspond perfectly to a classical astrological law, which states that a strong relationship exists between what are termed angular sky elements and personality,” she wrote.
In the breakdown provided, Fuzeau-Braesch said seven of the 30 cows had Jupiter at one of the four angles of their birth chart, and three had angular Jupiter alone with no moderating elements (aspects to other planets). Among these was the cow described by breeders as the “pin-up” of the group.
The other cows with angular Jupiter placements had up to five other planets substantially moderating the classical Jupiter characteristics (dominance or aggressiveness if the dominance is badly assimilated due to stressful alignment with other planets).
A cow with Jupiter and the Sun in a positive 120-degree trine aspect was categorized as a moderate Jupiter type.
Dr. Fuzeau-Braesch reported that six cows described as “calm” had either Mercury or Venus at the angles. And a cow with the Moon in Cancer rising at the ascendant was “calm and friendly.”
In other examples those with Mars at an angle were poster calves for the forceful and aggressive Martian energy. And a calf with angular Saturn was described as nervous, cautious and curious.
The Trans Saturn planets also showed up in the study. With Neptune placed angularly one of the cows was calm, discreet and sensitive. Another with Uranus at an angle knocked about her stall and was slow to get used to the equipment.
Dr. Fuzeau-Braesch said one cow died prematurely and the birth charts for three of the cows described as obstinate had no clear astrological correspondence. But, overall, she says the results “at the very least are disconcerting.”
“Because of the small sample size the results are not yet supported by statistical analysis. But, clearly, a certain number of correspondences are similar to human astrological correspondences,” she wrote.
News Research Tags: astrology, bovine behavior, CERNS, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Michel Gauquelin, Suzel Fuzeau-Braesch, University of Paris