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ANS Sue dwarfs2

Dwarf Planet Basics

November 6, 2024

By Sue Kientz

The largest of the trans-Neptunian Dwarf Planets in the outer Kuiper Belt and beyond are the POWER PLAYERS of our solar system. Their position outside the “social sphere” of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, means the large dwarfs, when in relationship with personal planets, represent strong desires for influence, power, control, ability to change things, even to remake the world and have one’s own way. Ranging in size from dominating Pluto and Eris (virtual twins with diameters 2376km and 2326km respectively), Haumea and Makemake (each two-thirds Pluto-size), Gonggong and Quaoar (half-Pluto), Sedna, Orcus, Salacia (two-fifths Pluto size), 2002 MS4, 2002 AW197, Varda, 2013 FY27 (one-third Pluto), Ixion, 2005 RN43, Gǃkúnǁʼhòmdímà, and Varuna (one-quarter Pluto), most are significantly larger than the largest asteroid (Vesta) and many times larger than Chiron. Smaller bodies 2002 TC302 and 2002 TX300 are included due to special circumstances.

Research based exclusively on exhaustive chart work produced the keywords and notable personality examples below and was published in More Plutos in 2015.(1) Some dwarf planet interpretations were developed after 2015; all are listed at > Meet the Dwarfs.

Dwarf Planet Keywords

PLUTO (2376km): Craves control, desire for power, will go to great lengths to impress one’s will and lead; controlling, manipulative, will mislead, bully others to gain and retain power.

ERIS (2326km): Connects with other people, animals, life in general, and works to help outcast types; can feel alienated, excluded, or even reject others unlike themselves and treat them inhumanely.

HAUMEA (1632km): Creates, fixes things, heals, transforms, destroys (to rebuild); capable of drastic action (injury, death, destruction) if thwarted, cornered, or indoctrinated.

MAKEMAKE (1430km): Unusual intellect, drawn to eccentric interests or lifestyle, breakthrough discoveries; erratic, shocking, espousing “crazy” ideas that might just be way before their time.

GONGGONG (1230km): Compassionate, sensitive, self-sacrificing; oversensitive, shy, closeness seems stifling.

QUAOAR (1080km): Playful, experimental, good at performance arts (dance, theater), comedy; plays pranks, indulges in risk-taking, gambling.

SEDNA (1000km): Persistent, determined, patient, long-suffering; hopeless, depressive, can feel continued patience or persistence is futile.

ORCUS (960km): Prefers order, making lists, categorizing, cleanliness, rules; can overdo the pursuit of perfection, has high expectations of others, suffers from obsessive-compulsive behavior (OCD).

SALACIA (905km): Motivational, will execute plans, able to see and implement way forward; can overdo preparation, waits too long to act, resists trusting others to give aid or guidance.

2002 MS4*(796km): Loves to learn, research, know things; can overdo the search for knowledge, entertains conspiracy theories.

2002 AW197* (~768km): New ideas, open to new lines of work, different perspectives, connections, has good memory; drawn to ideas, connections, theories that generate criticism or opposition. AW197 milestones often precede more significant milestones.

VARDA (~740km & 350km binary): Insight, excellent vision, extraordinary perception; can delve into too much detail, overlook the obvious, involvement in spying, eavesdropping.

2013 FY27* (740km & 190km binary): “The Hollerer,” stentorian, far-carrying voice, can stand up for oneself; overbearing, crowds out others’ input, loud to no purpose.

IXION (710km): Named for a mythological “first murderer.” Rule-breaker, norm-adverse, unafraid to attempt “the impossible”; iconoclast, lawbreaker, rebel.

2005 RN43* (679km): Ability to stop or freeze when facing danger or the unknown, excels in self-preservation; deer-in-headlights reaction extends too long, cannot process solutions to threats or predicaments.

GǃKÚNǁʼHÒMDÍMÀ (678km & 100km binary): Pronounced “G’wan HOME deemah.” Able, capable, protective; sees oneself above question or unable to make mistakes, fail.

VARUNA (668km): Storyteller, fiction writer, truth teller, creates a new world with words; fabricates, invents lies rather than facing facts or complexity or admitting truth.

2002 TC302* (~543km): Close resonance with Neptune (2 orbits for every 5 of Neptune’s) gives TC302 an intense dose of mystery, confusion, and secretiveness. Very powerful if aspects Neptune and/or both aspect one or more personal planets.

2002 TX300* (286km): Small but remarkably bright, so claims attention not by size but shine. Driven to report, transmit, and disseminate information, facts, stories; uses news or facts to craft messages that serve personal purpose or financial gain.

* MPC Designation assigned by Minor Planet Center, given once object’s orbital path is sufficiently known. No formal name (or nickname) has been provided or approved and may never be assigned. Discoverer retains a lot of leeway to control naming of object, and most are quite happy with the cryptic label. Chart work still reveals personality characteristics of these bodies.

Notable Personalities that illuminate the Dwarf Planets

PLUTO: Amazon founder Jeff Bezos (Sun trine Pluto), Volodymir Zelensky (Moon sextile Pluto), Queen Elizabeth II (Sun quintile Pluto), Galileo Galilei (Mercury conjunct Pluto); Xi Jinping (Sun sextile Pluto), Joseph Stalin (Mars opposite Pluto), Nero (Sun conjunct Pluto).

ERIS: George Washington (Sun sesquiquadrate Eris), King Charles III (Sun sesquiquadrate Eris), Barack Obama (Sun trine Eris), Jackie Robinson (Sun/Moon semisquare Eris), Agatha Christie (Sun opposite Eris); Donald Trump (Mercury square Eris), Jim Jones (Mars sesquiquadrate Eris).

HAUMEA: Albert Einstein (Sun sextile Haumea), Elizabeth Barrett Browning (Sun sextile Haumea), Martin Luther King (Sun opposite Haumea); Osama bin Laden (Mars square Haumea), 9-11 mastermind Mohammed Atta (Sun conjunct Haumea).

MAKEMAKE: Salvador Dali (Sun Mercury Mars Makemake conjunct), Thomas Edison (Sun Mercury Makemake conjunct), Alfred Hitchcock (Sun square Makemake), “Weird Al” Yankovich (Sun square Makemake); Adolf Hitler (Sun conjunct Makemake), Charles Manson (Sun conjunct Makemake), Anders Breivik (Sun opposite Makemake).

GONGGONG: Mother Teresa (Sun trine Gonggong), Abraham Lincoln (Sun sesquiquadrate Gonggong), Lyndon Johnson (Sun Mars trine Gonggong), Leo Buscaglia (Mercury trine Gonggong); Anders Breivik (Sun Mercury Mars Gonggong conjunct).

QUAOAR: George S. Patton (Sun trine Quaoar), Leonardo da Vinci (Sun trine Quaoar), Leonard Bernstein (Sun conjunct Quaoar), Stephen Hawking (Mercury trine Quaoar), Marilyn Monroe (Sun square Quaoar); Nero (Sun conjunct Quaoar), Bernie Madoff (Sun sesquiquadrate Quaoar).

SEDNA: Winston Churchill (Sun trine Sedna), George Washington (Sun conjunct Sedna), Helen Keller (Sun square Sedna), Magic Johnson (Sun trine Sedna), Jackie Robinson (Sun/Moon sextile Sedna); Sandy-Hook shooter Adam Lanza (Sun conjunct Sedna), Columbine shooter Dylan Klebold (Sun sesquiquadrate Sedna).

ORCUS: Princess Diana (Sun conjunct Orcus), Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Sun conjunct Orcus), Dwight Eisenhower (Sun trine Orcus), DNA co-discoverer Francis Crick (Mercury semisquare Orcus); Richard Nixon (Sun square Orcus), Donald Trump (Sun conjunct Orcus).

SALACIA: Benjamin Franklin (Sun conjunct Salacia), Helen Keller (Salacia conjunct Midheaven), Edward R. Murrow (Mercury opposite Salacia), Donald Trump (Sun opposite Moon/Salacia).

2002 MS4: Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Robert Oppenheimer (all Sun trine 2002 MS4), Stephen Hawking and Thomas Edison (Sun square 2002 MS4), Galileo Galilei (Mercury semisquare 2002 MS4); Iran Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei (Sun square 2002 MS4).

2002 AW197: Discoverer of Pluto Clyde Tombaugh (Sun square 2002 AW197), discoverer of Saturn’s rings Christiaan Huygens (Sun sextile 2002 AW197), animal activist Jane Goodall (Mercury square 2002 AW197), Nikola Tesla (Sun trine and Mercury square 2002 AW197), owner/founder of many different business enterprises Donald Trump (Sun conjunct 2002 AW197).

VARDA: Isaac Newton (Sun square Varda), astronomer Edwin Hubble (Sun Mercury square Varda), proposed “cosmic inflation” Alan Guth (Mars sesquiquadrate Varda), Elon Musk (Sun trine Varda), Jeff Bezos (Sun Mars square Varda); Vladimir Putin (Sun conjunct Varda), Joseph Stalin (Sun sesquiquadrate Varda).

2013 FY27: “Loud” comedians John Oliver (Sun trine 2013 FY27), San Kinison (Sun trine 2013 FY27), and Gilbert Gottfried (Mercury opposite 2013 FY27), composer and self-described “Hollerer” Meredith Willson (Sun sextile 2013 FY27).(2)

IXION: Martin Luther King (Sun trine Ixion), Alexander Fleming (Sun sextile Ixion), Pope Francis I (Sun square Ixion), Mae West (Sun Ixion Mercury conjunct), Andrew Jackson (Sun square Ixion); Charles Manson (Sun semisquare Ixion), Jerry Sandusky (Sun trine Ixion, Mars trine Ixion), Richard Speck (Mars opposite Ixion).

2005 RN43: Former vice president Mike Pence (Sun opposite 2005 RN43), Melania Trump (Sun trine Moon 2005 RN43), Volodymir Zelensky (Mercury conjunct 2005 RN43), Kamala Harris (Sun sextile 2005 RN43), on death row 47 years claiming innocence, Tommy Zeigler (Sun trine 2005 RN43) expects DNA evidence recently analyzed will acquit him this year.(3)

GǃKÚNǁʼHÒMDÍMÀ: President Joe Biden (Sun trine Gǃkúnǁʼhòmdímà), Benjamin Franklin (Sun conjunct Gǃkúnǁʼhòmdímà), Queen Elizabeth II (Venus conjunct Gǃkúnǁʼhòmdímà); Vladimir Putin (Mercury Venus opposite Gǃkúnǁʼhòmdímà), Elon Musk (Venus sextile Gǃkúnǁʼhòmdímà, Mercury square Gǃkúnǁʼhòmdímà).

VARUNA: First American dictionary publisher Noah Webster (Sun sextile Varuna), decoder of the Rosetta Stone Jean-Francois Champollion (Sun square Varuna), Stephen Colbert (Sun conjunct Varuna); William Randolph Hearst (Sun trine Varuna), Karl Rove (Sun trine Varuna), Richard Nixon (Sun semisquare Varuna).

2002 TC302: Still-missing Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa (Sun Mercury Ascendant 2002 TC302), Elizabeth Taylor (Sun Mercury 2002 TC302), Stephen Hawking (Mercury square Mars, each exactly semisquare 2002 TC302).

2002 TX300: Anderson Cooper (Sun trine 2002 TX300), Rush Limbaugh (Sun conjunct 2002 TX300), Walter Cronkite (Sun conjunct 2002 TX300), Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch (Sun square 2002 TX300), Bill Maher (Sun conjunct 2002 TX300), Alex Jones (Sun conjunct 2002 TX300).

Title Image attribution: LunaTheSilly, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons, with slight modifications by author.


  1. Kientz, Sue. More Plutos. (Indianapolis: Dog Ear Publishing, 2015)
  2. Willson, Meredith. But He Doesn’t Know the Territory. (Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 2009)
  3. Alice, “Brief Update on the Zeigler Case,” Defrosting Cold Cases, May 10, 2024,

About the Author

Sue Kientz, author of More Plutos (2015), has studied astrology since 1977 and specializes in the new dwarf planets (Eris, Makemake, Haumea, Sedna, Gonggong, Orcus, and others). Dwarf planets helped Sue predict Donald Trump would be impeached on or about September 22, 2019, which she detailed in articles on Facebook and her website starting in August 2018; she was two days off Pelosi’s decision to impeach. Visit to read free book chapters from More Plutos, her Trump predictions in the Plog, and other published articles, dwarf planet keywords, and other fun facts.

Sue Kientz specializes in astrology’s mid-sized planetary bodies, the largest asteroids and massive trans-Neptunian dwarf planets Eris, Makemake, Haumea, Sedna, and others discovered this century. Her experience researching the latter led to her book More Plutos, which received a 2016 eLit Award. More Plutos also addresses how resonance, fractals, and intuition can explain how astrology works. Sue argues that the dwarf planets are astrology’s great breakthrough, equivalent to what microorganisms did for medicine. She currently serves as Assistant Editor for the Astrology News Service.


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