Paris Pups Score Points for Astrology
In scientific circles the late Dr. Suzel Fuzeau-Braesch was hardly a lightweight. She was a leading figure in France’s prestigious Centre National de Recherche Scienfieque (CRNS) and, as the head of a research laboratory at the University of Paris XI, wrote books and published more than 150 scientific articles describing her work in biochemistry, behavior and life cycles.
However, for the usual reasons, the innovative research she designed to test if astrological principles resonated in the animal kingdom does not routinely turn up on lists extolling her scientific accomplishments.
In a ground-breaking study published posthumously in 2009 in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, Fuzeau-Braesch demonstrated that pedigreed puppies born under the watchful eyes of professional dog breeders demonstrated predictable behavioral traits that astrology’s critics are unable to explain away to this day.
Among other things, she showed that the most dominant or active pup in every litter was born with either the sun or planet Jupiter located near (within 10 degrees) of the ascendant or midheaven in the astrological charts (horoscopes) calculated precisely for the moment of their births.
The ascendant, also known as the rising sign, is where the Sun rises in the east. The midheaven is a mathematically calculated position that is near the highest overhead point on the sky map. The dominant pups – the active leaders of every litter – had either the Sun or Jupiter in these locations with a frequency that far exceeded the threshold for statistical significance established for the test, she reported.
According to Dr. Fuzeau-Braesch, the staggered whelping of a puppy litter can occur over a period of several hours with as little as 15 minutes or as much as two hours between births, which sets up a different astrological dynamic for each birth.
Astrologers claim that the archetypal energies of planets located near the ascendant or midheaven “angles” of the chart are more dominant or expressive. In a series of experiments another French researcher, Michel Gauquelin, demonstrated a correlation between career choice and the planets found near the ascendant or midheaven in the birth charts of doctors, scientists, politicians, writers, actors and athletes.
When he began his ground-breaking research, Gauquelin and wife Francois tediously cast thousands of birth charts by hand the old fashioned way, beginning in 1949. Later in the century, Dr. Fuzeau-Braesch was able to utilize new computer technologies to cast and compare the carefully timed birth charts of 500 Paris-born pedigreed pups from 100 different litters. In the mix was everything from French bulldogs to Yorkshire terriers.
Astrology off the Beaten Path
Dr. Fuzeau-Braesch describes this research in her book, Astrology Off The Beaten Track. She also explains why, as a well respected member of the scientific fraternity, she chose to examine a subject many of her colleagues believed to be subversive.
By happenstance, during a break at a 1970 CRNS work session she was attending in London, Dr. Fuzeau-Braesch wandered into an Oxford Street shop and encountered what she described as “the first commercial astrological computer.” For shop customers, the machine was busily producing automatic astrological analyses that were solely based on the date, time (if available) and location of their births.
Like most in her profession, the scientist was skeptical. But this suddenly changed after she entered the names and birth dates of relatives she knew well into the computer “just for fun.”
Dr. Fuzeau-Braesch says she was determined to show that astrology was bogus and expected the results “to be vague – about the same for everyone. To my surprise the results were quite different from each other. What’s more, some of them accurately and uncannily described people I knew so well,” she said.
Astrologers call the software program the French scientist tested in the London shop a report writer. The reports generated by these systems are solely based on the placement, positions and angular relationships between the sun, moon and planets in an individual’s birth map – the natal aspects.
For example, if the sun and planet Saturn are found in a challenging alignment the system produces a statement that generally describes how the aspect might stressfully be experienced by the individual. On the other hand, if the alignment is harmonious, a more positive assessment will be forthcoming.
The report writer program systematically reads or delineates the major astrological factors in the birth chart and provides separate written statements for each. However, like the human behavioral patterns or traits they reflect, the statements produced by these programs often appear to be at odds with each other.
What the report writer programs dramatically illustrate is that the sun is but one of many influences shaping individual destinies. The programs identify recognizable personality traits but a professional astrologer is needed to sort out how the dichotomous and seemingly contradictory influences are working in the individual’s life – and how their personal potential might best be realized.
What’s happening at the angles of the birth chart provides important clues – even for canines.
News Tags: archetypal energies, astrological report writer, astrology, CRNS, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Michel Gauqelin, pedigreed pups, Suzel Fuzeau-Braesch