A Daunting New Theory of Everything
By Edward Snow.
Scholar Finds Scientific Support for Hypothesis Linked to Ancient Akashic Records
This may be news to you but nothing that gets done in this life ever goes unnoticed, not even when you’re pulling for this outcome. Ready or not it’s all recorded in the Book of Life, a sacred record of everything that has ever happened to you and everyone else on the earthly plane of existence.
This, at least, is the way this story has been told for thousands of years and into the present time. Mystics, seers, sages and philosophers have described the existence of an all-knowing celestial record- keeping system, the Akashic Records, which keep tabs on humankind and various aspects of our spiritual progress, growth and development.
Mention of the Akashic Records can be found in folklore, in myths, and throughout the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. Like everything else that strains and filters through human experience, descriptions of the Akashic Records vary depending upon what group of ancient peoples is embracing the concept in which time period. But the central theme invariably describes the after-death survival of the human soul.
Gifted psychics like Edgar Cayce (1877 – 1945) tell us that the human soul reincarnates through a series of separate lifetimes on planet Earth, with each lifetime intended to clarify or advance the individual soul’s journey in some way. During his own lifetime Cayce entered a meditative trance-like state to access the Akashic Records in 14,000 recorded sessions for clients requesting his help.
Cracks in the Edifice
Cayce’s readings covered everything from holistic health and the treatment of illness to dream interpretation and reincarnation. Skeptical scientists remain dismissive but some cracks in the edifice of establishment science continue to form.
Professor Ervin Laszlo is holder of the highest academic degree presented by the Sorbonne in Paris, the State Doctorate. He is the recipient of four honorary PhDs and numerous awards and distinctions, including the 2001 Goi Award (the Japanese Peace Prize). He was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and also for the Templeton Prize, which is awarded annually by the Templeton Foundation to an individual who has made an exceptional contribution to affirming life’s spiritual dimensions.
A former professor of philosophy, systems theory and futures studies in the U.S., Europe and the Far East, Laszlo is the author of more than 400 papers and 74 books translated into 20 languages. In his book, Science and the Akashic Record, he describes how experiments by physicists, cosmologists and scientists working in the new field of consciousness studies are expanding scientific horizons.
Laszlo describes an “informed universe” and posits a new “theory of everything” hypothesis that moves well beyond the hard physical sciences. Crucial to this theory is the idea that, at the roots of reality, “an interconnecting, information-conserving and information-conveying cosmic field informs all living things – the entire web of life.”
For thousands of years, mystics and seers, sages and philosophers have maintained that such a field exists, but Western science has considered it a myth. According to Laszlo, the field known to mystics as the Akashic Records is real and has its equivalent in science’s zero point field that underlies space itself. This field consists of a subtle sea of fluctuating energies from which all things arise – atoms and galaxies, stars and planets, living beings, and human consciousness.
An Enduring Memory
Laszlo calls it the A-field and describes it as “a constant and enduring memory of the universe.” It holds the record of all that ever happened on Earth and in the cosmos, and relates it to all that is yet to happen.
The universe we know is not all there is. Laszlo points to the theoretical existence of a Meta-universe he describes as “the originating ground, the quasi-permanent and possibly infinite womb of the universe we observe. The meta-universe cosmologies have enormous explanatory potential,” he argues.
“We need explanations for how our universe came to have the remarkable properties that it has because a universe such as ours, with galaxies and stars and life on this and possible other life-supporting planets, is not likely to have come about serendipitously,” he says.
The American philosopher and psychologist William James first used the term Metaverse in 1895, albeit in a different context. Today, the structure of the Metaverse, the nature of each universe within it, and the relationships among the universes vary from one multi-universe hypothesis to another. Multiple universes have been hypothesized in cosmology, physics, astronomy, religion, philosophy, and transpersonal psychology, but also in science fiction and fantasy, which is where some observers believe the concept belongs.
Broadly, Laszlo’s Metaverse is a hypothetical set of finite and infinite possible universes, including the universe in which we live. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, and the physical laws and constants that describe them.
It’s not easy to wrap one’s mind around the enormity of a system that seemingly fills unimaginable acres of expanding space. Based on calculations by physicist Roger Pemrose, Laszlo says the probability of hitting on our own universe by a random selection from among all the alternative-universe possibilities that are out there is an inconceivably large number, indicating an improbability of astronomical dimensions.
Improbable Odds
According to Pemrose’s calculations, there hasn’t been enough time (a mere 14 billion years or so) for random selection to create the universe we call our own. More likely, the fluctuations leading to Laszlo’s informed and “staggeringly coherent” universe were already there in the beginning. They were not created by the primal explosion known as the Big Bang, only amplified by it.
The A-field not only creates coherence in our universe but links it with prior universes in the Metaverse, Laszlo believes.
He argues that intuitive people have always known that the real universe is more than a world of inert, unconscious matter moving randomly in passive space. The informed universe is a world of subtle but constant inter-connections, a world where everything informs, acts on and interacts with everything else.
More than a reservoir of events, the Akashic Records contain every deed, word, feeling, thought and intent that has ever occurred at any time in the history of the world. What’s more, the records are interactive in that they have a tremendous influence upon our everyday lives, our relationships, our feelings and belief systems – and the potential realities we attract.
It will be clear to most astrologers that the Metaverse idea described by Laszlo and others is a better fit for astrology than the causal, Newtonian theories that have dominated cosmological thinking in recent centuries. In the mechanistic Newtonian universe scientists have persistently argued that astrology can’t be true because there is no known physical mechanism that can adequately explains how it works. Using similar logic, the Multiverse idea might be faulted because there’s no way to test the theory’s underlying assumptions.
Professor Laszlo brings science right to the doorstep but stops short of embracing the idea that our immortal souls reincarnate time and again on the Earthly plane of existence. Laszlo’s A-Field, what he calls the primary reality, is the “quantum vacuum, the energy- and information-filled plenum that underlies our universe and all universes in the Metaverse,” he asserts.
“Prophets, philosophers and spiritual people often take the traces we leave in the A-field as evidence for an immortal soul. We, as individuals, are not immortal but our experience is. The traces of everything we have ever experienced persist and can be forever recalled,” he suggests.
Laszlo doesn’t mention astrology in his writings, but his thoughts on a universe where everything informs, acts on and interacts with everything else tends to validate some of the things astrologers have been saying for thousands of years. For the astrological community this is what progress looks like.
About the author
Category: Opinion
Tags: Akashic Records, Book of Life, Edgar Cayce, Ervin Laszlo, informed Universe, new theory of everything, reincarnation, Roger Pemrose, Science and the Akashic Records, zero point field