Pondering the Lunation Cycle
Astrologer describes ‘astonishing’ Lunar phases
Life has cycles. Spring follows winter, tides rise and fall, and Full Moons are always two weeks after New Moons. Life’s cycles are based on the natural, definite, and predictable movement of the rotating Earth and its satellite Moon as they orbit the Sun. This never changes, is constant, and is beyond our control.
Roughly speaking, the Earth moves about one degree per day, 30 degrees per month, and 360 degrees per year, completing its revolution around the Sun in 12 months. From our perspective, the Earth and Sun form different angular relationships with the other planets as they hurtle through space on different timelines.
Meanwhile, every month, the Moon orbits the Earth. When, from our perspective, the Sun and Moon find themselves together (conjoined) in the same celestial location (zodiacal degree) we experience what is called the New Moon.
The zodiac is the band of sky that surrounds the earth and is divided into 12 different and distinctive 30-degree segments that astrologers call “signs”. The New Moon starts a cycle that begins each month at a different spot along the 360-degree zodiacal wheel.
Once a year, when the Sun and Moon line up to form a conjunction on or around March 20, we have a New Moon in the sign of Aries. Then, in the following month, the earth has moved another 30 degrees and we get a New Moon in Taurus, then Gemini, Cancer and so forth as the year unfolds. Humans, watching over millenniums, have observed similar repeating energy patterns here on Earth as the Sun and Moon conjoin month after month in the 12 different signs.
This is what is called the Lunation Cycle and it is amazing because it is predictable. It is a fascinating cycle for humans to learn, to understand, to work with and to live by because the repeating patterns can provide powerful clues regarding how best to live and when to take action on the Earth below.
Starting Over
The new Moon is a time for beginnings. Projects that start at this time have a chance to grow like a seed that has been properly planted. The good news for humanity is that every month we get a chance to start over. The new Moon sets the stage as the new theme for the play is charged by the energy of the sign that the Sun and Moon joined in that month.
The actors on the stage that contribute to the theme are the other planets. How they express themselves, and the costumes they wear, are indicated by the signs they are in. The planets, because they are moving, are always at different distances or in different aspects with each other. Sometimes the planets support each other, and the actors express themselves easily and gracefully. But sometimes they are in difficult relationships with the other planets and the struggle revolves around which actor will dominate or threaten the others for center stage.
As astrologers watch this production, they can get an understanding of what the story line for the month is and how it will unfold. The beauty is that every month a new stage is set with new actors/planets wearing new costumes/signs; a new story opens to be experienced and to learn from. To watch the planetary movements and see events on earth take place (as in the Hermetic axiom As above, So below) is an astonishing experience and seems to show that life is organized, with direction and possibly even purpose.
The planets and what signs they are in and how they aspect each other contribute to the story. But the main rhythm of how the chapters unfold each month is based solely on the Sun and the Moon and their intimate relationship to each other. The Lunation Cycle is how the Moon moves from being invisible to full and back to invisible again, and it shows the natural growth process from birth to death. We can follow this cycle for a way of living that will be gentler and more natural, like water effortlessly flowing downstream.
The cycle begins at the New Moon when our ideas and thoughts of new starts emerge out of darkness. This is a time when we should listen for a sense of what needs to be initiated. As the moon becomes slightly visible at the Crescent phase it is time to formulize the idea and gather what is needed for the time of taking action that takes place at the First Quarter phase.
Action taken before the First Quarter phase does not have enough substance or presence to adequately be productive. Many ideas and new starts that do not wait until the First Quarter phase can die and peter out, like raising a sail before the wind blows. The Gibbous phase, which takes place before the full moon, is a time that is emotional and full of feeling. Knowing this is helpful because people can easily overreact at this time of the month. This would not be a good time to take on confrontations with others. This is the actual time when psychiatric admissions at hospitals are the greatest.
Getting Results
When the Full Moon is big and wide in the sky what was initiated at the New Moon is now at its peak. We can see our creations and we get results. We are at the point of culmination in the month; the energy is full and strong. It is a great time for showcasing something that needs drama and recognition
The Disseminating phase follows, and during this important time we talk to others about what we created. We ask questions. Phones ring and texts tap with determination. There is a need to dissect what was done during the cycle and communicate about it. This is a great time for consulting and for taking on the clearing up of relationship issues. People are open and needy for connection and understanding.
Then during the Last Quarter phase as the moon is diminishing to a quarter slice in the sky, we find are own personal energy waning; we get a gnawing sense of needing to complete things. What was initiated at the new Moon needs to be considered now and can be completed, revised, or thrown away, as often needs to happen.
As the cycle ends, and the Moon begins to disappear, the Balsamic phase unfolds. This is a time of deep quiet when life needs to slow down. This is not a good time to plan a wedding or have major public gatherings as we are introspective and need to retreat. Energy on the planet is frail and fading as the stage is being dismantled. The month’s story or theme is completing, and we need now to let go, to wash clean all that has taken place during the month and allow a rest before the Moon joins the Sun once again in a new sky section, in a new sign.
The Lunation Cycle of Life is ready to begin again anew.
Astrology News Service admin
Opinion Tags: Lynne Hyde, the Lunation Cycle