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solar wind astrology

New Theory Outlines Possible Mechanism for Astrological Claims

August 29, 2016

By Robert Currey   

Astrologer says electron-elementary particle interaction is recorded as an astrological moment with potentials

Tony Waterfall was inspired by his observations of the stars and his life as a mariner on the west coast of Canada to develop his Continuous Planetary Interaction Theory or CPI Theory. By day he navigated on sailing yachts and as a skipper on motorised cruisers around the many Islands and waterways of the Salish Sea, British Columbia. Nights were often spent swinging on an anchor in many a deep bay watching the beauty of the night sky above. The power of nature and the interconnectedness of the tides, currents and winds under the celestial sphere were instilled into him.

From his knowledge of natural laws on Earth and his interest in astrophysics and astrology, Waterfall began to develop a celestial model that could account for planetary influences on Earth. At this stage it is not a theory in the strict scientific sense of the word but a plausible, working hypothesis. The significance of CPI Theory is that it outlines a possible mechanism for many astrological claims.

The Sun Earth connection

Our nearest star, the Sun is a hot ball of plasma comprising mainly of charged particles of hydrogen. The Sun’s plasma is so hot that the most energetic charged particles can escape from the Sun’s gravity and be ejected into space. This plasma known as the Solar Wind blasts out from the Sun to the planets, interacting with their magnetic fields and/or atmospheres. The Solar Wind in combination with the Sun’s magnetic field emanates from the Sun far out into the heliosphere beyond Pluto and Neptune.

The interaction of the Solar Wind and the Earth’s magnetic field or Magnetosphere, causes currents to flow between Earth’s upper atmosphere (Ionosphere) and the Magnetosphere. As the charged particles from the Sun trapped in the Magnetosphere collide with air molecules in the ionosphere, trajectories of Earth’s gases light up. The effect is a spectacular aurora – with colourful dancing streams cascading high above in the night sky. When the Magnetosphere is sufficiently disturbed, nature’s dazzling light show can be photographed and seen after sundown in high latitudes. Though often appearing as a green curtain of light, the auroral colours also range from blue to purple and from pink to red.

Around the Arctic it is known as the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights and in the southern hemisphere it is the Aurora Australis. From space, auroras can be seen as oval rings of light around the polar regions. These are known as auroral ovals.

Astronomers are now discovering that many planets also have auroral ovals. The list now includes the Earth, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Venus appears to be an exception which may be because it has a very weak magnetic field.

Besides energy entering the planetary atmosphere via an auroral oval, energy is also leaving the planet in the exchange. According to CPI Theory, this energy travels across interplanetary space to enter other planetary ionospheres with the auroral oval acting as a portal through which energy enters and leaves the planetary atmosphere.

The Aurora effect at the subatomic level

Solar plasma is comprised of protons and electrons. Waterfall’s CPI Theory views solar plasma as an electron wave-field transporting protons from the Sun to Earth’s auroral oval. When it reaches the ionosphere, the electron releases its proton cargo and is free. The free electron either alone or in conjunction with other electrons joins with elementary particles found within the ionosphere. Many of the elementary particles found in the ionosphere have arrived via the auroral oval from interplanetary space. According to Waterfall, each electron-elementary particle interaction “is recorded as an astrological moment with potentials.”

Every planet in our Solar System and the Earth’s moon, has an ionosphere where electrons join and release elementary particles. The spins of the electrons are constantly changing and influencing other electrons to change. As electrons endlessly enter and leave planetary atmospheres, they facilitate a continuous planetary interaction. What is significant for us is that the human body contains trillions of electrons that are responding to this constantly changing field in the atmosphere.

So the mechanism for planet/human interaction posed by Waterfall is electromagnetism in the form of an interplanetary wave or field.

How the atom can be used for fusion rather than fission

Tony Waterfall explains the background to his approach:


            “The electron is the game changer. Move the electron from the back of the bus and into the driver’s seat. Science has concentrated on the atom’s nucleus. Scientists have split it, subdivided it and are now smashing parts of the nucleus in order to understand interaction. Since the nucleus is powerful and potentially destructive, research has followed the nucleus. Elevate the electron and a force that unifies might be found. Light is the visualization of the electron. We all seek light and we ourselves are creations of light and its illuminated visualization.”


A number of leading research astrologers has been involved in reviewing the CPI Theory. After some critical analysis, they responded positively to the concept. The astrologers consider it to be a possible mechanism for some astrological claims and that it is now ready for experimental design and testing.

Like Dr Percy Seymour, Tony Waterfall has used recent advances in mainstream science to identify another piece in a jigsaw that depicts the workings of the Solar System. We are starting to see an elegant pattern that accounts for the extraordinary way that life on Earth is impacted by the planets in addition to the Sun. What remains to be seen is whether those who lacked the imagination to consider such a connection to be plausible will react to the case for a continuous planetary interaction.

To find out more about Waterfall’s CPI Theory, you can obtain the book, CPI Theory: Continuous Planetary Interaction Theory, through Amazon or follow his articles in serialised form in the NCGR Research Journal. The book is over 300 pages and all the scientific claims are supported with references to books and papers in leading scientific journals by experts in the field.

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About the author

Robert Currey, BSc, DF Astrol., Cert. A*C*G Int., has been a professional astrologer since 1981 and founded the Astrology Shop in London in 1989. He consults, writes, lectures, conducts research, programs astrological software, and specializes in Astro*Carto*Graphy (locational astrology). He is science editor for the Astrology News Service (ANS). More information is available on his website:

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