America Survives Second Week of Trump 2.0
By Sue Kientz
The United States endured another tough week to end a difficult January, this time as President Trump moved at breakneck speed to enact his various agendas. As expected, astrology clearly tracks with and describes each event.
For example, last Sunday, January 26, President Trump sent a planeload of Colombian immigrants he had rounded up, back to Colombia on military transport planes, even as it was a more expensive way to deport people. Colombia’s President Petro refused to let the plane land, claiming that the method of deportation, including all deportees traveling in handcuffs, was humiliating and uncomfortable.(1) Trump threatened to slap high tariffs on Colombian imports in retaliation, so Petro agreed to send his presidential plane to retrieve his people. At the time Petro tangled with Trump, transiting Mercury (27 Capricorn) conjunct Pluto (1 Aquarius) was square (90 degrees) Petro’s Sun (29 Aries),(2) reflecting how the bullying threat from Trump (Mercury/Pluto) put President Petro on the defensive, as Trump intended.
Then late on Monday, January 27, Trump signed an executive order “pausing” all government funding nationally and internationally,(3) as transiting Moon (20 Capricorn) opposed Mars (21 Cancer) and Mercury (0 Aquarius) changed signs, getting closer to Pluto (1 Aquarius). The reason given to stop what amounted to trillions of dollars of congressionally-approved funds from distribution, was to root out any mention of encouraging minorities, women, the disabled, and veterans to apply for jobs with those programs and grants, and to remove references of transgender people (Mercury, concern with wording and employees, and Pluto, desire for control; Moon-Mars represents the emotional turmoil this set off). The order was to go into effect Tuesday, January 28, as Moon entered Aquarius to conjunct Mercury and Pluto, leading organizations and charities nationally and worldwide to scramble to figure out how to comply. Minutes before the 5 p.m. deadline, however, a judge issued a stay until Monday, February 3. Not only the organizations affected, but Americans of all kinds, afraid their federally funded jobs or the programs they depend on would be shut down, frantically called their congressional representatives,(4) another representation of Moon-Mercury-Pluto: regular folks (Moon), calling and expressing (Mercury), fear and insecurity (Pluto). By the next day, January 29, transiting Sun (10 Aquarius) opposed Trump’s Pluto (10 Leo),(5) and this time Trump backed down, rescinding the order.
January 29 was also the day that at 8:47 p.m., a military helicopter collided with a landing commercial airliner with 60 passengers on board, at Washington DC’s Ronald Reagan airport, knocking both aircraft into the Potomac River. Mercury (3 Aquarius 11) was exactly square dwarf planet Haumea (3 Scorpio 10),(6) the latter in its negative aspect a potent indicator of drastic change, destruction, and death.(7) After some anxious hours, it was indeed reported that no one in the two aircraft survived. The next morning, January 30, President Trump held a press conference where he claimed (without evidence) that former presidents Obama and Biden were to blame for the tragedy, as they had instituted diversity and inclusion policies that resulted in incompetent people either flying the aircraft or guiding them from the airport tower. Transiting Sun was still opposite Trump’s Pluto, spotlighting his insecurity and need for control, and his startling claims suggested to observers that he feared he would be blamed for the incident, which was the worst US air disaster in 25 years. Soon it was pointed out that the previous administration’s FAA administrator, under pressure from Elon Musk to step down, resigned when Trump was inaugurated, and Trump had yet to appoint his replacement.(8)
Friday, January 31, Americans got more stunning news. Now the top leadership of the FBI was asked to retire, resign, or be fired, for the same reason prosecutors at the Department of Justice were fired the previous Monday, for having anything to do with the prosecution of Capitol rioters on January 6, 2021,(9) those whom President Trump had fully pardoned the day he was inaugurated. In addition, any FBI agent involved in any investigative work on January 6 suspects was also to be fired, which amounted to thousands of agents, perhaps as much as two-thirds of the FBI. This latest purge unfolded as transiting Moon (24 Aquarius) was square Uranus (23 Taurus), signaling an emotional (Moon) upset, rebellion, and rejection of reason (Uranus). The Moon and Uranus also formed a T-square (Moon opposite and Uranus square) with Trump’s Mars (26 Leo), as well as minor-square aspects (Moon sesquiquadrate and Uranus semisquare) to Trump’s Mercury (8 Cancer), both of which can agitate one’s thoughts (Mercury) and anger (Mars).
Transiting Sun and Mercury are on track to reach 23-26 Aquarius in just a few weeks, an area liable to again negatively affect President Trump’s Mercury and Mars, so one might reasonably expect more antagonistic acts and decrees in February. What will stop or even slow down Trump? Saturn will, in mid-March when the ringed planet of “No” will square Trump’s Sun (22 Gemini) and Moon (21 Sagittarius).(10)
Title Image credit: Background Flag Image attribution: Many users contributed to the current and past versions of this file, including: Dbenbenn, Zscout370, Jacobolus, Indolences, Technion, TheTaraStark., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons; Trump image by Daniel Torok, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
Notes and References
- Buschschlüter, Vanessa, and Ian Aikman, “Colombia yields on US deportation flights to avert trade war,” 26 January 2025, BBC News, https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c20p36e62gyo
- Petro, Gustavo, 19 April 1960, 6:30 p.m., Cienaga de Oro, Colombia (Birth Certificate), https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Petro,_Gustavo
- “OMB Memorandum on Temporary Pause of Agency Grant, Loan, and Other Financial Assistance Programs,” 31 January 2025, https://www.nafsa.org/regulatory-information/omb-memorandum-temporary-pause-agency-grant-loan-and-other-financial
- Pettypiece, Shannon, et al., “Trump’s funding freeze creates widespread confusion,” 28 January 2025, 1:55 p.m. PST, NBC News, https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-federal-funding-freeze-widespread-confusion-rcna189581
- Trump, Donald J., 14 June 1946, 10:54 a.m., Queens, NY (Birth Certificate), https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Trump,_Donald
- “2025 Potomac River mid-air collision,” Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2025_Potomac_River_mid-air_collision
- Kientz, Sue, “Pluto and Haumea: Having Power, and Using that Power,” 30 June 2015, NCGR eNews, Issue 215, https://moreplutos.com/articles/Pluto&Haumea-for-NCGR-News-WebVersion.pdf
- Chen, Eve, “Trump appoints FAA-veteran Chris Rocheleau to serve as agency’s acting administrator,” 31 January 2025, 10:27 a.m. ET, USA Today, https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/2025/01/31/acting-faa-administrator-chris-rocheleau/78080263007/
- Dilanian, Ken, et al., “Senior FBI official forcefully resisted Trump administration firings,” NBC News, 1 February 2025, 1:07 p.m. PST, https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/senior-fbi-official-forcefully-resisted-trump-administration-firings-rcna190301
- On March 2, Venus will station (appear to stop forward motion) at 10 Aries and powerfully semisquare Trump’s Mercury and sesquiquadrate his Mars, before going retrograde (backward) in the sky. Then on March 14, Mercury will also station at 9 Aries, the same day the Pisces-Virgo full moon (23 Pisces 56/23 Virgo 56) squares both Trump’s Sun (22 Gemini) and Moon (21 Sagittarius). In effect, Saturn is closely square his Sun/Moon all through this time and to the end of March.
Sue Kientz specializes in astrology’s mid-sized planetary bodies, the largest asteroids and massive trans-Neptunian dwarf planets Eris, Makemake, Haumea, Sedna, and others discovered this century. Her experience researching the latter led to her book More Plutos, which received a 2016 eLit Award. More Plutos also addresses how resonance, fractals, and intuition can explain how astrology works. Sue argues that the dwarf planets are astrology’s great breakthrough, equivalent to what microorganisms did for medicine. She currently serves as Assistant Editor for the Astrology News Service.
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Articles News Tags: astrology, astrology research, Donald Trump, Haumea, Pluto, United States
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