Astrology News Service

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Trump Presidential Cabinet Picks Stir Controversy

November 21, 2024

By Sue Kientz

Last Wednesday, November 13, 2024, barely a week after Donald Trump dramatically recaptured the presidency, the first salvos of his incoming administration and its promise to “shake up government” were fired as transiting Moon in late Aries began squaring Pluto at the end of Capricorn and Mars in early Leo and opposing oft neglected but powerful Dwarf Planet Haumea in early Scorpio. Haumea, you will find, brings massive, sweeping change,(1) sometimes welcome, sometimes destructive, but always keenly disruptive. This perfectly represents the day that ended with two eye-blinking cabinet nominations: Fox News TV host Pete Hegseth for Secretary of Defense and Congressman Matt Gaetz for Attorney General,(2) the latter the subject of a multi-years-long sex scandal investigation conducted by the U.S. Dept. of Justice, a body he would then lead if confirmed by the Senate.

All over the country, phones were blowing up with the news, as transiting Sun moved to oppose Uranus, signifying that everything had turned upside down. By Friday, the Full Moon joined Uranus to oppose the Sun, exacerbating the seeming lunacy of these unorthodox nominations, as Trump added another surprise candidate to the cabinet list, vaccine opponent Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., for Secretary of Health and Human Services (that includes the Centers for Disease Control, the clearing house of all American vaccines).(3) Now more than halfway into the following week, the crisis hasn’t died down one whit, but instead escalated as another controversial pick, TV personality and physician Dr. Mehmet Oz, was proposed to serve as Administrator for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.(4)

So much for careful moves post-election that might unite the American people and persuade general acceptance of Trump’s surprising victory. But this is completely understandable if you know that President-Elect Donald Trump is getting a strong dose of excitable energy due to transiting Uranus, planet of individual freedom and liberation, being semisquare (45°) Trump’s Mercury, giving his thinking a jolt of independence and entitlement, just as the Sun moved sesquiquadrate (135°) his Mercury and semisquare his Mars by end of last week. The disturbing contact with Mars, especially, encouraged him to add some sharp elbows to the mix, with his transition team insisting Trump expects his nominations fully confirmed by next year’s GOP-led Senate, even if congress must completely withdraw and let him pick his cabinet with no guardrails at all.(5)

What seems most curious to observers, however, is the utter unsuitability of some candidates, almost intended to shock and agitate, not reassure. That’s due to another Dwarf Planet, as large and formidable as Haumea, that is also involved in the ongoing Uranus/Sun opposition, making similar minor-square angles (45° and 135°) to Sun/Uranus, and so also affecting Trump’s Mercury (now) and Mars (even more so later). Dwarf Planet Makemake impacts both the U.S. Sun and Trump’s Mercury by being simultaneously square to them, and soon semisquare Trump’s Mars by his Inauguration Day. Makemake is several magnitudes more disruptive than Uranus’s revolutionary bent, at best delivering breakthrough ideas when aspecting the charts of scientists or those working on highly technical problems, and at worst, producing extreme reactions that seem almost crazy and can deliver deep shocks to systems as well as people’s sense of normalcy.(6)

What could be next? Interestingly enough, some turnaround is coming which could surprise the president-elect, as transiting Mercury is about to reach the limits of its forward motion around the Sun (from Earth’s perspective), and when Mercury slows to its station and turns to retrograde (backward) motion starting Sunday night (Eastern Time), November 24, the initially ”motionless” planet of communication and messengers will pointedly oppose Donald Trump’s Sun in Gemini. Something or someone is about to challenge, maybe even trip up Trump’s up-to-now erratic, wild forward motion. We should hear something by Monday, November 25, what unexpected opposition Trump faces, as Trump rarely if ever suffers in silence.

Title Image credit. Many users contributed to the current and past versions of the Background Flag Image, including: Dbenbenn, Zscout370, Jacobolus, Indolences, Technion, TheTaraStark., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Text added by author.



U.S. Declaration of Independence signed (“U.S. Chart”), July 4, 1776, 5:10 p.m., Philadelphia, PA,

Trump, Donald J., June 14, 1946, 10:54 a.m., Queens, NY, Birth Cert.,,_Donald

Author Bio

Sue Kientz, author of More Plutos (2015), has studied astrology since 1977 and specializes in the new dwarf planets (Eris, Makemake, Haumea, Sedna, Gonggong, Orcus, and others). Dwarf planets helped Sue predict Donald Trump would be impeached on or about September 22, 2019, which she detailed in articles on Facebook and her website starting in August 2018; she was two days off Pelosi’s decision to impeach. Visit to read free book chapters from More Plutos, her Trump predictions in the Plog, and other published articles, dwarf planet keywords, and other fun facts.

Sue Kientz specializes in astrology’s mid-sized planetary bodies, the largest asteroids and massive trans-Neptunian dwarf planets Eris, Makemake, Haumea, Sedna, and others discovered this century. Her experience researching the latter led to her book More Plutos, which received a 2016 eLit Award. More Plutos also addresses how resonance, fractals, and intuition can explain how astrology works. Sue argues that the dwarf planets are astrology’s great breakthrough, equivalent to what microorganisms did for medicine. She currently serves as Assistant Editor for the Astrology News Service.


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