Global Trade Wars?
By Christeen Skinner
Trading is generally associated with Mercury, the planet of commerce. The position of this planet in the charts of countries gives indication of a nation’s propensity to trade its goods and services. When the horoscope of a nation’s leader or, indeed, of the date and time at which a leader takes office, is also taken into account, then it becomes possible to assess the likelihood of involvement in a trade war – or wars.
A review of the inauguration chart of an incoming president of the United States of America yields valuable clues as to the potential for – at the very least – fierce negotiations. A review of the chart for January 20th, 2025 suggests significant commercial challenges will be faced in 2025.
The inauguration of a US President always take place on January 20th as the Sun arrives in Aquarius. In such charts, the solar position describes the leader of the country. It is expected that the incoming president will announce the aims, objectives and visions of the incoming administration. It is not, of course, uncommon for this to describe a future that embraces new ideas and the integration of new technologies (the aims of Aquarius).
The planet Mercury can never be more than 28 degrees from the Sun as viewed from Earth. Its position in these charts must lie between 2 degrees of Capricorn and 28 Aquarius. It must also be either on the left or right hand of the Midheaven (one of the axis points of the chart and the one that is said to describe the aims and objectives of the administration).
When Mercury is in Capricorn, we can expect support for long-standing businesses. When it is in Aquarius, start-ups and newer commercial entities tend to benefit. This planet’s position relative to other planets in the solar system gives major clues as to how an administration will negotiate/trade.
If we include the 2025 inauguration, then there have been 12 such events since 1981. On seven occasions Mercury was in Capricorn and the remainder in Aquarius.
On only one occasion, in 1989, was Mercury at right angle to Pluto. The Mercury/Pluto cycle speaks of trading power struggles. It is interesting that it was in the late 1980s and early 1990s that there was significant antagonism between the USA and Japan concerning the trade of semi-conductors.
The chart for the coming inauguration (2025) differs greatly from those of the previous eleven. Mercury at 18 Capricorn (a degree often activated at times of financial stress), is at right angle to both the Moon (which represents the people) and Chiron (the planetoid that may be thought of as a corrector). It is also just a few degrees less than an exact opposition to Mars. If you were to draw this horoscope and connect these positions, you would see the formation of a near exact square. In astro-terms this is termed a Cardinal Grand Cross (as each position is in one or other of the Cardinal signs).
This is highly unusual and may well describe a multiplicity of trade wars (with Mars ruling conflicts of all types). There have been Chicken Wars, Steel Wars, Banana, Opium and even Pasta Wars. If trade wars do occur under the next administration, it is unlikely that these will be confined to one product. In time, these wars may be called the US or even Global Trade Wars.
Whilst their dawn may be on January 20th, 2025, and the impact felt almost immediately when Mars returns to 18 Cancer – exactly opposite the inaugural Mercury – on February 4th, other key dates in 2025 when trade disputes dominate world headlines will surely include September 6/7th – when Mars reaches 18 Libra and which – incidentally – is a lunar eclipse. Global markets should experience extreme turbulence around this date.
Christeen Skinner
Christeen H. Skinner D.F.Astrol.S., FRSA is a practicing financial astrologer based in London. She is author of several books including Exploring the Financial Universe She is a trustee of the Urania Trust and a director of the Alexandria iBase Project. She offers a free monthly newsletter service via her website www.financialuniverse.co.uk
Articles Tags: astrology, trade wars, Trump administration, Trump inauguration chart