Astrology News Service

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Los Angeles

January 9, 2025

By Christeen Skinner

Marc Penfield’s comprehensive research offered in his excellent work; ‘Horoscopes of the USA and Canada’ gives both the date and time of incorporation for major cities.

Accurate preparation of your horoscopes requires the date, time and place. From this information a chart is calculated yielding your rising sign and the degree of the zodiac that was culminating (the MC) or anti-culminating (IC) at your arrival.

Of the 321 horoscopes offered in Marc’s excellent work, only 8 have IC positions in Aquarius and only one – Los Angeles – has an IC position of 1 Aquarius. (Forecasters might like to note that New York City has an IC of 17 Aquarius which Pluto will cross in 2033). On January 7th, Pluto reached 1 degree and 20 minutes of that sign.

In 1781, when Los Angeles was incorporated, Pluto was situated at 4 Aquarius. Thus, Pluto is presently crossing the IC of its chart but also returning to its ‘natal’ place for the first time.

Los Angeles is a Virgo city (September 4th) and presently Saturn is passing through its opposite sign suggesting considerable pressure on its administrators and leaders. Moreover, Saturn is now at right angle to its natal position i.e. the cosmic pressure is considerable.

Pluto is said to be the planet of death, transfiguration, repair and rejuvenation and reasonable to expect that over the next two years (the time it will take for Pluto to return to 4 Aquarius: its natal position) will see attempts to rebuild and revive.

Pluto is also considered to be a planet of wealth. Pluto is, after all, ‘God of the Underworld’ in which many of the minerals and vitamins we need to survive are stored. It is unsurprising that so many of the homes destroyed by fire were valued in the millions of dollars. Yet at the other end of the scale, Los Angeles is also a city where extreme poverty is not far from the surface.

If you were to divide the horoscope in equal segments of 30 degrees from the Ascendant (rising sign), then sector six (the 6th House cusp) would begin at 28 Pisces: a degree accented by both Neptune and the Lunar Node in the first quarter of 2025. The combination conjures pictures of loss, displaced people, mass evacuation and issues related to water.

Mars, Uranus and Pluto were all ‘out of bounds’ in the incorporation chart. All three planets were travelling beyond the limits reached by the Sun relative to the celestial equator.

Los Angeles IS different. It does things differently. It is an amalgam (Sun in Virgo) of many different cultures, living life on the edge (earthquakes could happen at any time) yet thriving on dreams (Venus conjunct Neptune in the 12 House of film and media).

A standard forecasting technique works on the principle of each day after an event (birth or inauguration) describing a year of life. Using this system, we find that both Uranus (now 0 Cancer) and Saturn (now 0 Capricorn) have reached the World Axis. The world has watched terrifying, apocalyptic scenes of destruction.

The people of Los Angeles will surely have to access all their ingenuity (Moon and Mercury in Fire signs) as well as their resilience (Jupiter in Fixed sign Scorpio) to rebuild their city.

Christeen Skinner

Christeen H. Skinner D.F.Astrol.S., FRSA is a practicing financial astrologer based in London. She is author of several books including Exploring the Financial Universe She is a trustee of the Urania Trust and a director of the Alexandria iBase Project. She offers a free monthly newsletter service via her website

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