XRP Makes Ripples
By Christeen Skinner
XRP – otherwise known as the Ripple crypto currency – was launched on August 4th, 2013, when Uranus and Pluto were at a right angle to one another. This is a very different planetary picture to a dominating opposition of Saturn to Uranus at Bitcoin’s launch. Uranus is the planet associated with doing things differently – it even rotates on its axis in opposite direction to each of the other planets; it has a reputation for deviance, but also for introducing new ideas. Bitcoin is recognized as being the first block (Saturn) chain (Uranus) currency and XRP took the structure a stage further.
Each time that the angle between Saturn and Uranus has reached a new stage, this has coincided with major developments in both the usage and price of these currencies. In recent weeks and as the quintile (72 degree) aspect became exact, many of the major cryptos have seen their value soar. XRP was launched with the Sun in Leo – at 11 degrees of that Sign. For much of 2022, Saturn and Uranus were at a right angle to one another at 11 degrees of two other Fixed Signs: effectively holding many crypto prices in check.
The first price surge coincided with the American presidential election when the Sun was at 11 degrees of Fixed Sign Scorpio – the exact degree occupied by the Lunar Node at XRP’s launch. This seems to have been a springboard degree as the price has most definitely soared. It no doubt helps that the incoming US President has indicated major change to the Board of the Securities and Exchange Commission whose roots go back to 1934. Study of that chart indicated both the loss of its Chair (which has now happened) and the high probability of major overhaul in 2025.
The upward trend may well be arrested in the coming days as first Mercury and then Mars turn retrograde: a trend that could reverse in February.

Chart illustrating Aries dominance of XRP’s price rises.
Although XRP is still young and we have only nine years of data to analyze, it has become clear that Venus’ transit of Aries has coincided with price surge. Venus reaches Aries in early February – only days after the inauguration of Donald Trump. That same day Jupiter turns direct. By the time Mars turns direct later that month, XRP could be on a sharp rise once more.
Lest we get too excited, and although Uranus and Pluto will be 120 degrees apart (geocentrically exact in June), indicating another upward push, we should note that Saturn and Neptune will then be at the midpoint of this aspect. Saturn limits and restricts, and Neptune can erode, complicating the situation. In comparison with the likely price rise in February, this could be more moderate.
Christeen Skinner is a practicing astrologer based in London and is the director of Cityscopes London, a company specializing in future casting.
Christeen Skinner
Christeen H. Skinner D.F.Astrol.S., FRSA is a practicing financial astrologer based in London. She is author of several books including Exploring the Financial Universe She is a trustee of the Urania Trust and a director of the Alexandria iBase Project. She offers a free monthly newsletter service via her website www.financialuniverse.co.uk
Articles Business Featured Tags: crypto currency, XRP