Astrology News Service

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ANS Aquarius1

The New Moon’s Energetic News: Aquarius

January 27, 2025

by Lynne Hyde

This New Moon on January 29, 2025 looks good, almost kind and definitely easier than we have seen in a while. We may take in a sigh of relief after what Capricorn’s demanding cycle created on planet Earth this past month. The retrograde fiery Mars in Leo opposing destructive, dark Pluto in Aquarius manifested literally when Los Angeles lit up in a blaze of fire and flame. Mars moved back into Cancer, which is the Sign of the “home and family,” and immediately after, the world watched neighborhoods fall into ashes and then witnessed mothers and fathers, husbands and wives and their shocked, blank-faced children, metaphorically fall off the cliff into despair. Cancer is also a Sign of deep feeling and empathy, and everyone tragically experienced this loss. Then a grand ceasefire in Gaza was tried on, dressed up in this backwards Martian (the planet of war) attire, and the subject of hostility ending is playing out dramatically on the world’s stage. Yet ending this conflict and any other conflict that is needed is somewhat challenging now as Mar’s anger is unprocessed and stuck in our bones. Have you noticed aggression rising and frustration flickering stronger lately?  “As above, So below” is said because the planetary pictures and what they indicate above can so accurately and exactly manifest here, below…

In this cycle we have seven of the ten planets in just two Signs. This is a bit rare and many have heard of a great lineup occurring in late January. The planets aren’t exactly lined up but a majority of them are in the same area of the sky. In astrology when three or more planets are in one Sign it’s called a “stellium”.  At this New Moon we have two stelliums operating in the Signs of Aquarius and Pisces. The energy is specific, narrow and focused in what each of these Signs represent and therefore life may be unbalanced. Aquarius is an Air Sign concerned with information and big ideas that are progressive. It cares about what’s good for the masses. Being involved with friends, like-minded communities and high-minded beliefs and ideals will move naturally as we, as ego centered individuals, are not the point now. Any group that you join this month can harness the wind in its sails and your communal intentions can move in the Aquarian breezes, if you stay light and easy…  

Pisces, an emotional Water Sign, where Venus, Saturn and Neptune presently are, is an area of vulnerable sensitivity and compassion. It can lack boundaries and a sense of being grounded. We may be a bit adrift and directionless this month.  Mars is in Cancer, also a Water Sign, which complements the deep, feeling Piscean energy and stocks it with knowing, intuitive senses that we should listen to and trust.   Complicating this is Cancer’s maternal need to protect ourselves and others, while maintaining the detachment that an Aquarian New Moon so staunchly requires. We will need to join our objective, carefree thoughts with our subjective, dug-in emotions and not take our personal selves too seriously this month. Aquarius needs weightlessness to move forward, yet combining Aquarian Air with Piscean Water could create heavy steam. With Mars retrograde until February 23th we may need to accept that we are moving two steps forward and one step backwards. We need to be kind to ourselves and allow this to be okay and not connect it to failure, as Aquarius is also associated with rebellion and reactivity. This may sound hard but Jupiter, the planet of ease and expansion, is in a favorable aspect to the New Moon and moving away from the hard square to Saturn, the planet of restriction. Our weighted obstacles recently encountered could soften, at least for this cycle’s moment…  

So, take the pressure off and fall into the free-flowing air, making sure to move around and brighten up if you feel stuck this month!  Round up friends who think like you and help all feel included and wanted as we gain now from paying tribute to our needed community. Feel the deep knowing of the emotional Piscean and Cancer waters and let them be like a rudder instinctively guiding you through the possibly, slightly chaotic, but gentle winds of this Aquarian New Moon cycle.

Title Image Credit: by Dorothe from Pixabay

Lynne Hyde

Lynne Hyde is a certified practicing astrologer and teacher in Miami, Florida who watches with awe the unfolding astrological cycles. She presented the “New Moon’s Energetic News” LIVE for the general public for seven years and hopes to carry it on now in written form for the “Astrology News Service”. She can be contacted at

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