The New Moon’s Energetic News: Capricorn
By Lynne Hyde
Have you noticed that the expansive, jubilant feeling we’ve had of late is diminishing? The Sun left the spirited, holiday energy of Sagittarius on the winter solstice, which was December 21st. Suddenly and subtly, without us really noticing it, the “big, giving, ease” started to deflate and seriousness slowly began to set in. Every year during the astrological cycle that plays out here on earth, there is a fall from the fiery, philosophical heights of Sagittarian energy that insists “we can and must do it all.” We drop down to the ground, onto the earthy, practical, hardworking lands of Capricorn. The overwhelming, large and wide energy has begun to contract and now it’s time to get our ducks properly back in a neat and narrow row. Now it’s time to return to what we must do to survive and try to move our lives, thoughtfully and steadily, just a little bit ahead…
The New Moon comes late on December 30th, just a moment before the new year begins. We can exhale the intensity, challenges, changes, disruptions and trauma of 2024 and inhale deeply as the Sun and Moon align at ten degrees of Capricorn and a new cycle and a new year begins. The sky and the calendar are one. Capricorn is a Sign that wants and needs stability, security and to achieve solid, realistic results. This is the time to go within and find where your safety and protection is, then build your life step by step and brick by brick, carefully, around it. This is not the month to take risks but a time for respect of caution, wisdom and tradition. This is a good month to remember our elders and to reach out to our ancestors, and to our parents, our advisors and mentors for their guidance and direction. We need to bow down now and become humble this month and be wary of seeking status. Those with a strong Capricorn archetype, which is a symbol of a “goat climbing ever upwards,” believe they want this worldly success, but they find when they get to the top of the cliff and achieve material and financial glory, that it isn’t fulfilling, and the goat topples off the mountain peak and must start the climb upwards all over again. Capricorn is driven to achieve but what they truly need is meaning and purpose, then to take responsibility to be re-directed by this profound knowing. This may be why Capricorn is considered to be too hard on itself, guilty and self-critical. During this cycle ahead we might want to pause, to ponder often, and most importantly be kind to ourselves. We might want to be aware and share when we get blindsided by the attraction of the shininess of success, and instead feel fulfilled by eating the plain yet nourishing grass at our hillsides.
The planet Mars turned retrograde in the fiery flames of Leo on December 6th and will finally be in front of the Earth by February 23rd in the sensitive waters of Cancer. Have you noticed impatience and anger sitting and suddenly flaring up at your side? Have you found yourself reacting to nothing, too quickly? Mars represents aggressiveness, and being in Leo, our egos may easily become burnished and bruised. This planet is retrograde approximately every two years but this time it will oppose the planet Pluto three times. Pluto represents power, control and intensity and the year to come may start with battles in our own little lives and on the grand world stage around us. Wars may start but they may also end as the point is MARS and integrating, metabolizing and processing our assertive aggressiveness is the focus. The red energy inside of us and on the planet is not flowing naturally downhill right now. The energy is not able to soften and to blend into pink hues as it most often can. It’s helpful to not push, it’s helpful to stay in your own lane, it’s helpful to be aware of what triggers you and why. It will be helpful to become friends with our anger and aggression, accept it and experiment how to use it to better serve ourselves. It’s important right now to digest and direct our willfulness and our passionate willingness to be alive.
Welcome to the conservative, careful and respected Capricorn New Moon – may we all find a safe, secure, and stable place from which to successfully build the next month and the year 2025!
Lynne Hyde
Lynne Hyde is a certified practicing astrologer and teacher in Miami, Florida who watches with awe the unfolding astrological cycles. She presented the “New Moon’s Energetic News” LIVE for the general public for seven years and hopes to carry it on now in written form for the “Astrology News Service”. She can be contacted at LynCHyde@outlook.com.
Articles Tags: astrology, Capricorn new moon 2024