Astrology News Service

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ANS Sag 2024 cover

The New Moon’s Energetic News: Sagittarius

December 1, 2024

By Lynne Hyde

Sagittarius time comes right as the holiday season begins, when the Sun moves into the fiery sign around November 20th and completes its stay close to December 20th. The overwhelm that swoops down on humanity at this time of year is not “the so-called holidays” but is simply the over-expansive, over-reaching, optimistic quality of Sagittarian energy. The Sign is ruled by the planet Jupiter which is considered in astrology to be benefic, yet whatever Jupiter touches it enlarges, enhances and makes bigger. If we feel bad to begin with, we can feel terrible when Jupiter is involved. If we feel good, we feel grand. If we feel busy, we easily feel overwhelmed.  This time of year, whatever we experience we experience more of! The “To Do List” that grows like never-ending weeds, is magnified and multiplied by the influence of Jupiter and the effects of the over-doing, over-expansive, boundaryless Sign of Sagittarius. We think it comes from Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah and the upcoming New Year, but it’s really these celebrations that blasted into existence from the natural, powerful planetary cycles that have taken place for eons from above…

The essence of Sagittarian energy is to seek truth and reach high and wide to find what really matters. It’s philosophical and concerned with beliefs and morality. Instead of channeling the big energy into doing and managing details we need to stretch ourselves to feel and connect to our good intentions that sit behind the busyness. Sharing what we need, what we are striving for, what we believe and what we want to believe in, will bring release and reward now.

The Sun and Moon will join together at 9 degrees of Sagittarius and both are closely squared (90 degrees apart) by Saturn, the planet of constriction, which is sitting at 12 degrees of Pisces. This tells us that the expansiveness we feel may be capped by caution and restriction. This tells us that we may want to reach far in order to do and have it all, but it may be best to go for less, it may be best to learn to say no.  We will certainly need to work with steady focus with Saturn so prominent in the New Moon chart. We may pay a price if we don’t carefully consider the steps we take and preserve ourselves and our needy core during this cycle. Conservation, constraint and conservatism can hold and direct the expansive flame that burns, almost out of control, within us and all around us this month.     

The planet Mars, that’s about taking aggressive action, will turn retrograde on December 6th in the early degrees of Leo. This adds a severe punch to the message of slowing down. The efforts we make may not move us forward, as we intend, for the next two and a half months, while the planet appears to be moving behind the earth. The time coming up is for patience and for planning, not beginnings. Retrograde energy can best be used for reflecting, reconsidering and often re-doing…

To top it off Mercury turned retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius on November 26th and will be so until December 15th when it will re-trace the same mutable zodiacal degrees again and move forward. We all are wrapped up in a re-visioning of the future and we must pause and try to adjust, expanding our belief systems to find a way to move forward in the radically shifting times in which we live. December is about hovering with inspiration in the present while not becoming impatient or anxious about landing in our tomorrows…

Lynne Hyde

Lynne Hyde is a certified practicing astrologer and teacher in Miami, Florida who watches with awe the unfolding astrological cycles. She presented the “New Moon’s Energetic News” LIVE for the general public for seven years and hopes to carry it on now in written form for the “Astrology News Service”. She can be contacted at

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