By Lynne Hyde
The energy across the globe is intense and magnified as we move from the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that took place on September 17th, to the New Moon Solar Eclipse that’s taking place on October 2nd. We are in the heart of Eclipse season and the weather around us and within us is turbulent and wildly stormy. Torrential rains have flooded the lands in Europe and hurricane Helene has trampled through northern Florida, bulldozing its way through the belly of the United States breaking historical records dating back from the 1800’s, of river rise and water accumulation. Destruction blankets our T.V. screens and it’s hard to swallow. Bombs are falling in Lebanon, as its leader has been assassinated by Israel, and we, the people, sit on the faltering edge of earth, fearing World War III will break out. New York’s mayor is being indicted and no one is left to take control of the massive city. This is the multiplication of events that Eclipses can bring. We feel the rawness as the cold sets in and we may be vulnerable from “overwhelm” within.
The Sun and the Moon will join at 10 degrees of Libra creating an annular eclipse. Wikipedia explains that an annular eclipse is when the Moon’s apparent diameter is smaller than the Sun’s, blocking most of the Sun’s light and causing the Sun to look like an annulus (ring). There will be a ring of fire surrounding the sun that can be seen when you look up in Hawaii and into southern and Central America, over Baja California and in portions of Antarctica. The eclipse will not bring total darkness but we can see and sense the flicker of light that surrounds the edges as we move through the narrow tunnel of October…
Libra is concerned with balance and beauty. After leaving “work focused” Virgo it’s time to seek harmony with others, as Libra is relationship oriented. We may need our friends to affirm who we are, to reflect ourselves in order to see ourselves. Libra cannot do it alone. Libra seeks balance because it’s the most unbalanced sign of the zodiac. It needs to be careful of following extremes and falling off the seesaw of life. It must stay centered, in the middle, to stay steady. This may be difficult as the New Moon is right next to Mercury, the planet of communication and all three bodies are 90 degrees apart (square, stressful) to Mars, the planet of force, action and anger. There is sure to be excessive news and possible impulsive aggressiveness with others.
Fortunately, the planet Mars, in the watery sign of Cancer is 120 degrees (trine, easy) away from Venus and Saturn. When three planets are all in this favorable aspect to each other it’s called a “Grand Trine” which is favorable and fortunate. This is the blessing for the cycle ahead. It should help our emotions flow fluently and smoothly, hopefully resolving the hostile discord of Mars. If we slow down enough to feel and sense this steady emotional stream within it should assist in creating the balance that Libra so desperately needs.
Eclipses affect and amplify the events on the planet for all but they affect us more personally if we have planets around 10 degrees of Libra or planets in our charts that aspect 10 Libra. In this case, the eclipse can enter our life like a strong, unseen force that’s greater than our selves. This hand of destiny moves our chess pieces around on the chessboard of life. We are not in control and can’t strategize our way into “check mate”. The Moon blocking the light of the Sun, means we must let go and be okay with the not knowing…
Remember to put flowers before food on your dining room table and ask that friend out to lunch wearing your most handsome outfit. Sense and contain the steady, flowing river within as you witness the gusty winds of this powerful Libra Annular Eclipse blow through our trembling lands and our rooted lives.
Lynne Hyde
Lynne is a certified practicing astrologer in Miami, Florida who watches with awe the unfolding astrological cycles.
She presented “The New Moon’s Energetic News” live for 7 years and hopes to carry it on now in written form for the “Astrology News Service.”
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