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Justin Trudeau Resigns

January 14, 2025

by Alex Miller

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada since 2015, resigned his office on 6 January 2025, after months of speculation regarding the fractious state of Canada’s government.  Trudeau was preceded out the door by deputy prime minister Chrystia Freeland, who resigned suddenly in December 2024, sparking a political crisis.  Trudeau announced that he would resign as both the prime minister and leader of the Liberal Party, and advised Canada’s Governor General to prorogue parliament until March 24, while the Party holds a leadership contest.  Trudeau will remain in office until a new leader is chosen, after which he will formally resign as prime minister.

The announcement was made in Ottawa at 11:04 AM EST, with asteroid Justino (for Justin) at 0 Capricorn closely aligned with the 11 Capricorn MC, the highest point of elevation in the chart, and the focus of all eyes, putting Justin Trudeau center stage for that moment.  Accompanying Justino were Mercury at 27 Sagittarius, ruling the decision-making process and public statements; and asteroid NOT at 21 Sagittarius, which acts as a general disqualifier or symbol of an unwillingness to proceed.  This triumvirate squares (90 degrees) a pairing of Neptune at 27 Pisces with asteroid La Canada at 25 Pisces, identifying a vacancy, withdrawal or absence (all Neptune) in Canada.

The Sun at 16 Capricorn opposes asteroid Trudie at 21 Cancer (one of two variants of “Trudeau,” for which there is no exact match), again placing Trudeau in the spotlight (Sun).  As well, asteroid Justiniano (another “Justin” placeholder) at 3 Aquarius conjoins Pluto at 1 Aquarius, suggesting a major transformation was in process, and a “death” of sorts, in the form of Trudeau’s political career.  This pair opposes (180 degrees) Mars at 29 Cancer, representing taking action.

Asteroid Trudel (the other “Trudeau” referent) at 23 Scorpio exactly opposes Uranus at 23 Taurus, signaling something sudden, unexpected, and potentially controversial.  A T-square is formed (comprised of two points in opposition with a third on their midpoint, square to each) with Damocles at 29 Aquarius on the fulcrum, a point noted as the doom or peril hanging overhead, about to descend at any moment. 

The 8 Aries Ascendant is conjoined by asteroid Dominiona at 5 Aries, a point named for Canada’s official title, “The Dominion of Canada”; and by the Moon (homeland) at 12 Aries.  Asteroid Canada-Assandri, another point utilizing Canada in its name, appears at 15 Taurus, widely conjoined Uranus, for some shocks and upsets to that country.  Lastly, asteroid Kanata, which was the indigenous people’s name for the region and the derivation of the modern term, falls at 10 Virgo, in a T-Square with Saturn (head of government) at 14 Pisces and Jupiter (politicians) at 12 Gemini.

Both Kanata and Canada-Assandri are also stationary, indicating vastly greater impact than normal, and representing a critical turning point for entities which resonate to that name.  Kanata turns retrograde January 12th, Canada-Assandri turned direct on December 25th (coincidently, Justin Trudeau’s 53rd birthday).  Both trine (120 degrees) the Sun, forming a Grand Trine pattern, three points equidistant from each other about the zodiac.

Title Image Credit: Sebastian from Pixabay

Alex Miller

Alex Miller is a professional writer and astrologer, Editor-in-Chief of ANS, author of The Black Hole Book, detailing deep space points in astrological interpretation, and the forthcoming Heaven on Earth, a comprehensive study of asteroids, both mythic and personal. Alex is a frequent contributor to “The Mountain Astrologer”, “Daykeeper Journal”, and NCGR’s Journals and “Enews Commentary”; his work has also appeared in “Aspects” magazine, “Dell Horoscope”, “Planetwaves”, “Neptune Café” and “Sasstrology.” He is a past president of Philadelphia Astrological Society, and former board member for the Philadelphia Chapter of NCGR. His two decades of chronicling asteroid effects in human affairs can be found at his website,

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