Station to Station: Trump 2.0
By Alex Miller
Former and future US President Donald J. Trump will begin his second term at noon on 20 January 2025, and a chart cast for that time in Washington DC can provide clues to the dynamics of the new administration. There are many tools astrologers can use to analyze such an event, but one of the most effective is to simply look to what is apparently standing still in the sky at the time.
Of course nothing ever stops its motion in the cosmos, but from our Earthbound perspective, points circling the sun do appear at times to slow their motion, come to a standstill, and change direction. These “stations,” as they are called, are an optical illusion based on the triangulation between the sun, Earth, and any third body, and astrologically, they represent power points when the symbolic energies of these bodies are heightened, at maximum effectiveness. They constitute formative agents in character, or pivotal elements of a biography.
In the case of the second Trump administration, there are eight bodies at station, three asteroids representing countries which may be key to foreign policy, three which allude to major players in the new government, and two which relate to qualities or principles of prime importance.
The countries indicated as pivotal are Iran (seen as asteroid Irani, a synonym for a person or product of that country), Taiwan (seen as asteroid Taipei, named for its capital) and, unsurprisingly, Russia (with an exact asteroid match). Iran certainly could prove crucial on the world stage in the next four years, with Israel currently embroiled militarily with three of its proxy groups: Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the Houthis in Yemen. These regional conflicts could widen into a broader war which would of necessity invoke US involvement on some level.
Tensions have been building for years across the straits which separate mainland behemoth communist China (officially the PROC – People’s Republic of China) and its diminutive island democratic neighbor, Taiwan (officially the ROC – Republic of China). Sundered at the time of the original communist revolution, Beijing has long cherished a dream of reuniting the two realms, by force if necessary, and as the military build-up and bellicose language increases, matters could come to a head sooner rather than later. Open armed conflict between them would again inevitably lead to US involvement, as Taiwan’s chief support and guarantor.
But it is Russia that may have the most immediate impact, already involved in a war of aggression and attrition with neighbor Ukraine, which is approaching its third anniversary. The unusual relationship between Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin has long been a source of international speculation, and Trump has stated he could end the conflict there “in a day.” Russia’s importance in the new Trump term is further confirmed by asteroid Russia’s placement on the administration’s Ascendant, governing how it is seen by others.
The stationary asteroids representing key players in Trump 2.0 are Susi, Stevin and Bondia. Susi is a celestial stand-in for Susie Wiles (alternate spelling), Donald Trump’s winning 2024 campaign manager, rewarded now with the post of White House Chief of Staff, the powerful gatekeeper to the president who runs the staff at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Stevin refers to Stephen Miller (alternate spelling), the architect of the infamous family separation immigration program in the first term, now promoted to White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy. Bondia is a placeholder for Pam Bondi (alternate form), former Florida Attorney General, nominated as incoming US Attorney General by Trump, to run the Justice Department. These three individuals represent access (Wiles), strategy (Miller) and implementation (Bondi), all vital components of any presidency.
The qualities or principles most in flux are indicated by stationary asteroids Themis and Demokritos. Themis is named for the Greek goddess of justice, with Trump determined to remake the US Justice Department in his own image, turning it into a tool for personal vendetta and political advantage. Having markers for both the department (Themis) and its head (Bondia) at station suggests that the Justice Department will be the venue for the most sweeping changes. Demokritos of course represents democracy, which many feel may be threatened in the US under a new Trump administration; as well as the Democratic Party, the chief roadblock to full implementation of Trump’s agenda.
These eight stationary asteroids provide a thumbnail sketch of the states, persons and themes which are likely to dominate the new Trump term, as determined by their status as embedded, immovable and entrenched.
Alex Miller
Alex Miller is a professional writer and astrologer, Editor-in-Chief of ANS, author of The Black Hole Book, detailing deep space points in astrological interpretation, and the forthcoming Heaven on Earth, a comprehensive study of asteroids, both mythic and personal. Alex is a frequent contributor to “The Mountain Astrologer”, “Daykeeper Journal”, and NCGR’s Journals and “Enews Commentary”; his work has also appeared in “Aspects” magazine, “Dell Horoscope”, “Planetwaves”, “Neptune Café” and “Sasstrology.” He is a past president of Philadelphia Astrological Society, and former board member for the Philadelphia Chapter of NCGR. His two decades of chronicling asteroid effects in human affairs can be found at his website, www.alexasteroidastrology.com.
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